Eyelash Extensions
Natural Lash Full Set
Hybrid Lash Full Set
Dramatic Lash Full Set
Lash Fill
**Please book a consultation with Kat if you'd like to discuss pricing prior to your service**

The Lash Lounge FAQ
What are eyelash extensions?
Eyelash extensions are individual stands of synthetic fibers made to replicate a natural eyelash. When applied, eyelash extensions lengthen and thicken your own natural eyelashes. The single strands are applied to each individual eyelash, one by one. With proper application, lash extensions look and feel completely natural.
Are eyelash extensions safe?
Kat's Lash Lounge and Wax Studio only uses professional grade adhesive which never comes into contact with your skin. Synthetic eyelashes are adhered about 1mm away from the skin.
I have contacts, can I still get lash extensions?
Yes! People who wear contacts are great candidates for lash extensions as you no longer need to wear mascara. As for glasses, the only real concern is whether or not the lash extensions are so long that they will touch your lenses - this does not affect the longevity of the lashes though.
How long will lash extensions last?
When applied by one of our amazing professionals, eyelash extensions will last the length of the natural growth cycle of your own eyelashes. Depending on your day to day activities and routine, refills should only be required every 2 to 4 weeks.
Will my eyelashes fall out from lash extensions?
No! When applied correctly, eyelash extensions do not damage your natural lashes. Certified lash artists will only apply one synthetic lash to one natural lash, and will apply an extension that is an appropriate weight and length, which will ensure the integrity of your natural lash. Eyelash extensions can be damaging if your lash artist is not using proper techniques. Lashes that are too heavy, or clusters (pre-made fans) require a large amount of adhesive and can cause your natural lash to break. When selecting your lash artist, be sure to ask which techniques they use and where they were certified! This will aid in maintaining healthy natural lashes and enjoying the benefits of eyelash extensions.
How should I take care of my new lashes?
*Avoid getting lashes wet for the first 3 hours.
* Avoid hot steam or saunas
* Use an oil-free eye makeup remover (we have one for purchase!)
*Do not perm eyelashes or manually curl
*Brush with a clean mascara wand daily
TIP: Sometimes morning are a mess! Try washing your lashes in the morning and gently brushing the top side of the extensions with a finger placed beneath. If too much tugging is noticed, a quick stop at your local studio may be necessary to help separate the extensions.
Can I still wear eye makeup with lash extensions?
Yes! Our eyelash extensions are designed to give your natural lashes and improved look of fullness so that mascara is not needed. However we offer mascara that is specifically formulated for lash extensions and can be applied to the tips of the extensions. Oil-free eye makeup remover should be used to remove any makeup. Eye shadow and eyeliner can also be applied as long as it is oil-free and removed daily. Do not use any waterproof makeup products! ALL waterproof makeup products contain oil which will break the bond between your lash and the adhesive.